Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Did you ever think your hair could come out in clumps when it wasn't even pulled on?  Well...it can.

Mine's been falling out more than I've ever seen it in my whole life.  I guess if you're fighting to survive, that's what can happen.

I feel like i'm fighting to survive.  Survive the sinking hole of emotions that are never steady, desires that are never fulfilled, and a heart that longs for peace that seems never attainable.

I've got two healthy children, a loving husband, my own home, my own business...some could look at me a think..."she's got it all."  But the reality is...I'm tired, can't sleep, stressed, crying all the time, dehydrated, confused, and an emotional wreck.  I've been putting on a face in front of people who come to my newly designed festival booth where i sell popcorn, ice cream, and lattes.  When the 15 hour day of selling comes to an end I'm totally beat and have to still  sweep the house, cook dinner, wash the dishes, read stories, brush my kids teeth, pick up the toys, have a shower (maybe), talk a few minutes with my hubby, and then try and lay down....to.....a night of..............SLEEPLESSNESS!  AAHAHHHAAHHH! 

I lay awake thinking and thinking and thinking and my brain doesn't shut off!  When does it end?  When do i get my own rest?

Man i'm tired...does anyone else feel like this?

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