Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Missing You

I'm missing you Westley, and I'm missing all the siblings you would have had.  There's sayings like "follow your dreams" and "believe in your dreams".  I'm just discouraged because I pursued my dreams in a few different aspects of life and my dreams haven't come true.  I've been left with disappointment.  I want to believe again, i really do.  Mourning such losses are hard to see through.

In regards to my last post and the comment about what donations would be used for.  Look at this infertitliy help link I'd like to write more about it in another entry.  When I feel strong enough.  For now, I'm just getting  a lot of grief from the people around me when I'm real about what's going on in my world and unfortunately I am prevented from letting out the feelings all bottled up inside of me.  I've called the crisis line a few times now because i just need to talk, and let me tell you, they are the best listeners ever.  Call them, it helps. When i told them what's going on in my life, they said...this is why we are here, to help people in your situation.  What a relief.