Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I Should write a book

It's 10pm and i'm sitting here in an office with my kids playing on the floor making a sign for my new popcorn business.  The little one grabs a pillow and lays her head down on the carpet, while the older one builds a castle out of blocks.  Have they eaten anything in the last 5 hours?  Oh yah, ironically they had popcorn.  Popcorn has become my life for the last month and i'm not sure where my head sits on my shoulders most days. I'm seeing spots, well popcorn kernals actually, blue, pink, purple...

Do I need to keep my head so jam packed with stuff or can I breathe at any point?  Signs, labels, ingredients, bags, twist ties, kernals, colors, flavors.... My kitchen looks like a science lab only instead of beakers and test tubes its popcorn buckets and measurements everywhere!

I hope to make a professional image with selling is just popcorn, how professional can it get?  I guess my goal right now is just to make some signs so i don't look like a fool out there, but man i'm cheap so i wont go to a sign maker, besides, I can do it.  Just like i've done everything a mom, a wife, a business person, a sister, a daughter, a cleaner, a cook, oh and a popcorn maker!

My biggest worry is that i'm not going to have the right prices and that people will walk away from my booth. I don't want that!  I also dont want to undersell myself.  I have to remind myself's just popcorn.
I've been stressing over prices so much though, that my hubby finally said that he would take care of pricing things and i wouldn't have to do any of it. Whew!

You know, i've taken classes on how to handle stress and this time around my skills seem to have left me.
Stress is a bad beast, it's taken over on me so much that my hair is falling out!  Yep, and i don't know how to get a handle of it, there's just so much for me to do! My list is way too long, i need a vacation from the business I just started.

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