Friday, January 14, 2011

 In between the posts that I have shared with you I have beautiful joyful days that are filled with hope and gratitude.  I have come to realize many things about life, here's one of them: I've been given each and every moment and that's all that i have, I don't know what will happen in the next 10 minutes or in the next 12 years but I have now and this moment.

I've chosen to take the moments of life and share them with the ones i love.  Today I was given moments with my Sasha and we put together a giant floor puzzle, we laughed and had so much fun.  I was given moments of with my Kaneeka and hugged and giggled, we all walked down to the river and listened to the water running.  We were given moments and we threw prayer "wishing" rocks in the water.  We were given moments and skipped and sang la la la la along the path.  I was given a moment with my husband and locked eyes with him and kissed him tenderly.  I was given moments with the Lord and felt His mighty arms of love wrap right around me.  I was given a very precious moment with a dear friend who said some incredibly profound things that gave my broken heart healing, not just healing, immense healing.

"Your grief is precious, Sital, don't let anyone quench the process. You will bless others when you've completed your journey. To rush it through now is to only crash later. Looks pretty for everyone else right now but it will be really ugly when you have to face it all over again because it was shoved down."

So come to me with your compassion friend and thank you for your compassion...I will come out on the other side soaring like an eagle full of compassion for you ready to take you on my wings.

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